Searching for (and finding) information in M-Files is simple and lightning fast.

Searching for (and finding) information in M-Files is simple and lightning fast. Search by document name, customer, document type, keyword, and more. M-Files even searches inside documents to make sure you can easily find anything you’re looking for. And with efficient local caching, files open fast even with slow and unreliable network connections.

Search with any keyword
Looking for a recent invoice or proposal? Just type the related information in to the search field and hit ENTER.

Search inside documents
M-Files features advanced search capabilities, so you can even search the contents of documents — not just titles and metadata.

Relevant results appear first
M-Files automatically ranks search results to make sure the most relevant documents and information appear at the top of the list.

No duplicates
Only the latest of every document is shown in the search results, so you’ll never have to deal with confusing duplicates.

Searching for (and finding) information in M-Files is simple and lightning fast. Search by document name, customer, document type, keyword, and more. Always locate the files and information you are looking for by searching the entire contents of documents.